hi whats up

this site's a wip, so don't mind the mess. if you need me for something, reach me by main.


currently looking for someone to print dicks for future molds. if you have private 3d printer access and want in, or know someone who does, get in touch. you can get paid in cock.


i'm one guy making porn because it's fun. links in the sidebar aren't totally set up yet but if you have this link already, you probably have other ways to contact me.

used to want to do the whole sex toy business thing but honestly there is way too much bullshit in that can of worms so i'm just doing it as a hobby. if you want a custom, see above and ask. if you want to buy a design off of me to make and sell in your own store, i'm open to selling design rights but be prepared to be heavily questioned on your morals. i wrote that one bad dragon callout and i'm not intending to give anyone else leniency either.

selling erotica short stories on itchio, once i get around to polishing them up. requests accepted, but no promises.

sex toys

click here for the inventory page.